Monday, September 16, 2019

You Can't Give Up Now | Motivation Monday

Dear entrepreneurs, creatives, side hustlers,


Are the numbers on social media discouraging you? I wanted to share an interview that Randy Jackson did on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu which helps to remind us why we must keep going even when the numbers are not in our favor or what we want them to be. Sometimes we get caught up with the numbers, what our peers are doing and forget that we do what we do because we are creators. The interview is packed with a lot of wisdom and knowledge but the one that stood out to me the most was when he was speaking about the difference between a star and a singer. He said something to the effect of a star doesn’t stop if people do not like his song, he just sings his song because that’s what a star does.


The numbers on Instagram have been very discouraging to me and every time I look at the likes and comments versus the quality of my comment, I have to remind myself that I am just singing my song and I do not stop because of instragram’s numbers.

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